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Conference ProgramPlease click to download pdf copies of the conference program and campus map. The program is up-to-date as at 3/7/2019 and is subject to change.
Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians
9th Triennial Conference Southwestern Adventist University May 16-18, 2019 Thursday, May 16 5:00-6:00pm Registration, Committee of 100 Cafeteria 6:00pm Opening Banquet, Committee of 100 Cafeteria 7:30pm Keynote Address Friday, May 17 8:00am Worship, Pechero Hall, Rm. 128 9:00am Concurrent Sessions, Pechero Hall 10:20am Break 10:40am Concurrent Sessions, Pechero Hall 12:00pm Lunch, Committee of 100 Cafeteria 1:30pm Concurrent Sessions, Pechero Hall 2:50pm Break 3:10pm Concurrent Sessions, Pechero Hall 5:00pm Meeting of the Nominating Committee, Pechero Hall Honors Room 6:00pm Dinner, Committee of 100 Cafeteria 7:15pm Plenary Talk, Committee of 100 Cafeteria Sabbath, May 18 Worships 9:00am, First Service, Keene SDA Church 10:15am, Sabbath Schools, Keene SDA Church 11:30am, Second Service, Keene SDA Church Meals Boxed lunch for Field Trip participants Please note that the cafeteria will not open due to Summer Vacation. If you are not participating in a field trip, but would like to pre-order and purchase a boxed lunch, please email [email protected]. 6:30pm Dinner, Committee of 100 Cafeteria Field Trips 11:00am Dallas World Aquarium Dallas Holocaust Museum boxed lunch provided, vans will depart from the Chan Shun Centennial Library parking lot Business Meeting 7:15pm Committee of 100 Cafeteria |