The Fifth Triennial ASDAH Conference
Location: Oakwood University, Huntsville, Alabama
Date: April 19-22, 2007
Theme: Waiting for info
Call for Papers
Waiting for info
Conference Program
Thursday: April 19, 2007 afternoon
6:00- 7:30 Registration and Reception: McKee Business and Technology Centre
7:30-9:30 Banquet; McKee Business and Technology Center
Introductory Remarks: Ciro Sepulveda, President,
Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians
Welcome: John Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Oakwood College
" On Oakwood College and Its Heritage"
Delbert Baker, President
Oakwood College
Friday: April 20, 2007
Session I
9:00-10:30 Historians in Administration: Higher Education A Discussion
Chair: Ben McArthur: Southern Adventist University
Eric Anderson, President, Southwestern College, Texas
Malcolm Russell, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Union College, Nebraska
Donald McAdams, Former President of Southwestern College, Texas
9:00- 10:30 .....................................New Issues in Adventist History:
Chair: Trevor O’Reggio: Andrews University
“E. F. Albertsworth an Adventist Historian”
Michael Campbell: Loma Linda University
“Seventh-day Adventists and the Religion Right: a Nineteenth-Century Perspective”
Dennis Pettibone: Southern University
“Waldesian Sites and Moments Revisited”
Marcel Pitchot: Lake Superior State University
Session II
10:45- 12:15 ......................African-Americans in Adventist History:
Chair: Emory Tolbert
“Lewis Sheafe: Adventism’s Forgotten Apostle to Black America”
Doug Morgan: Columbia Union College
“Adventist Activists of the Civil Rights Movement”
Seneca Vaught: Niagra University
“A Comparison of SDA Black Regional Conferences, Methodist Black Central Jurisdiction/Conferences and White SDA Conferences.”
Alfonso Greene: Oakwood College
10:45 – 12:15..................................... Tolerance and Intolerance:
Chair Nigel Barham: Oakwood College
“Persecuting the Intolerant Papists: How England Got its Act of Toleration.”
Lisa Clark Diller: Southern Adventist University
“Claude Buosson Reconsidered”
Brian Strayer: Andrews University
"Persecution: How Does It Happen? Some Insights from Sixteenth- Century England"
Rachel Byrd: Southern Adventist University
"Augustine’s City of God and Benedict’s Rule: Innovative Worldview and Preserved Paradigm"
Ann M. Scott: San Jose State University
Lunch 12:15 – 1:45
Session III
2:00-3:30 SDA Church South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago,and the Philippines
Chair Joan Francis: Columbia Union College
“The SDA Church and Race Relations in South Africa.”
Jeff Crocombe: Helderberg College, South Africa
“Adventism in Trinidad and Tobago”
Loverne Jacobs –Browne; University of the Southern Carribean
“Adventist in Barrio Bagon-taas, Valencia City.”
Erasmo Gauson Jr.: Mountain View College Phillipines
“Understanding the Challenges and Priorities of Adventism in India; A Historical Perspective with respect to Theology and Social Parameters.”
Franklin Samraj: Spicer Memorial College, India
2:00-3:30....................................... The Art of Teaching: A Conversation
Chair : William R. Wohlers, Southern Adventist University
Olin Peach: Retired Master History Teacher
Stan Hobbs, Atlanta Adventist Academy.
John Gless La Sierra Academy
Session IV
4:00- 5:30 ..................................................Feminists in the 19th Century
Chair: Craig Neborn, Oakwood College
“Two Unlikely Sisters of the 19th Century: Ellen White and Sarah Dudley Pettey: African-American Womanhood, Empowerment, Religion, and Education
Holly Fisher: Pine Forge Academy
“Happy Black Phoebe Jacobs”
Fred Hoyt: La Sierra University
4:00- 5:30................................................................ American Politics
Chair Terry Aamodt, Walla Walla College
"Political Thought of A. T. Jones“
Gary Wood: Andrews University
"The Intertextual Voice of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
as Articulated in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 'Address to the
First Montgomery Improvement Association Mass Meeting'"
Ramona Hyman: Oakwood College
Evening Program 7:30 p.m.
“Are Adventists Evangelicals? A 50-Year Retrospective on the SDA-Evangelical Dialogues and Questions on Doctrine (1957)”
“Questions on Doctrine and M. L. Andreasen: The Behind-the-Scenes Interactions”
Julius Nam: Loma Linda University
“The View from Outside the Veil”
Paul McGraw: Pacific Union College
Comments: Jerry Moon: Andrews University
Saturday April 21, 2007
NASA Space and Rocket Center
9:30 -10:30
“J. K. Humphrey and the Adventist Church”
Clifford Jones: Andrews University Seminary
Comments: Doug Morgan: Columbia Union College
Emory Tolbert: Howard University
11:00- 12:00
“The Notion of Time in Adventist History”
Carlos Shwantes: St.Louis University
Comments: Gary Land: Andrews University
Lunch 12:30 – 200
3:00: 5:00
“Growth Rates and Shifting Growth among Seventh-day Adventist, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness”
Ronald Lawson Queens College CUNY
Sunday April 22, 2007
8:30-9:30 An Open Discussion on Current Research
9:30-11:00 Business Session
6:00- 7:30 Registration and Reception: McKee Business and Technology Centre
7:30-9:30 Banquet; McKee Business and Technology Center
Introductory Remarks: Ciro Sepulveda, President,
Association of Seventh-day Adventist Historians
Welcome: John Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Oakwood College
" On Oakwood College and Its Heritage"
Delbert Baker, President
Oakwood College
Friday: April 20, 2007
Session I
9:00-10:30 Historians in Administration: Higher Education A Discussion
Chair: Ben McArthur: Southern Adventist University
Eric Anderson, President, Southwestern College, Texas
Malcolm Russell, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Union College, Nebraska
Donald McAdams, Former President of Southwestern College, Texas
9:00- 10:30 .....................................New Issues in Adventist History:
Chair: Trevor O’Reggio: Andrews University
“E. F. Albertsworth an Adventist Historian”
Michael Campbell: Loma Linda University
“Seventh-day Adventists and the Religion Right: a Nineteenth-Century Perspective”
Dennis Pettibone: Southern University
“Waldesian Sites and Moments Revisited”
Marcel Pitchot: Lake Superior State University
Session II
10:45- 12:15 ......................African-Americans in Adventist History:
Chair: Emory Tolbert
“Lewis Sheafe: Adventism’s Forgotten Apostle to Black America”
Doug Morgan: Columbia Union College
“Adventist Activists of the Civil Rights Movement”
Seneca Vaught: Niagra University
“A Comparison of SDA Black Regional Conferences, Methodist Black Central Jurisdiction/Conferences and White SDA Conferences.”
Alfonso Greene: Oakwood College
10:45 – 12:15..................................... Tolerance and Intolerance:
Chair Nigel Barham: Oakwood College
“Persecuting the Intolerant Papists: How England Got its Act of Toleration.”
Lisa Clark Diller: Southern Adventist University
“Claude Buosson Reconsidered”
Brian Strayer: Andrews University
"Persecution: How Does It Happen? Some Insights from Sixteenth- Century England"
Rachel Byrd: Southern Adventist University
"Augustine’s City of God and Benedict’s Rule: Innovative Worldview and Preserved Paradigm"
Ann M. Scott: San Jose State University
Lunch 12:15 – 1:45
Session III
2:00-3:30 SDA Church South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago,and the Philippines
Chair Joan Francis: Columbia Union College
“The SDA Church and Race Relations in South Africa.”
Jeff Crocombe: Helderberg College, South Africa
“Adventism in Trinidad and Tobago”
Loverne Jacobs –Browne; University of the Southern Carribean
“Adventist in Barrio Bagon-taas, Valencia City.”
Erasmo Gauson Jr.: Mountain View College Phillipines
“Understanding the Challenges and Priorities of Adventism in India; A Historical Perspective with respect to Theology and Social Parameters.”
Franklin Samraj: Spicer Memorial College, India
2:00-3:30....................................... The Art of Teaching: A Conversation
Chair : William R. Wohlers, Southern Adventist University
Olin Peach: Retired Master History Teacher
Stan Hobbs, Atlanta Adventist Academy.
John Gless La Sierra Academy
Session IV
4:00- 5:30 ..................................................Feminists in the 19th Century
Chair: Craig Neborn, Oakwood College
“Two Unlikely Sisters of the 19th Century: Ellen White and Sarah Dudley Pettey: African-American Womanhood, Empowerment, Religion, and Education
Holly Fisher: Pine Forge Academy
“Happy Black Phoebe Jacobs”
Fred Hoyt: La Sierra University
4:00- 5:30................................................................ American Politics
Chair Terry Aamodt, Walla Walla College
"Political Thought of A. T. Jones“
Gary Wood: Andrews University
"The Intertextual Voice of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
as Articulated in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 'Address to the
First Montgomery Improvement Association Mass Meeting'"
Ramona Hyman: Oakwood College
Evening Program 7:30 p.m.
“Are Adventists Evangelicals? A 50-Year Retrospective on the SDA-Evangelical Dialogues and Questions on Doctrine (1957)”
“Questions on Doctrine and M. L. Andreasen: The Behind-the-Scenes Interactions”
Julius Nam: Loma Linda University
“The View from Outside the Veil”
Paul McGraw: Pacific Union College
Comments: Jerry Moon: Andrews University
Saturday April 21, 2007
NASA Space and Rocket Center
9:30 -10:30
“J. K. Humphrey and the Adventist Church”
Clifford Jones: Andrews University Seminary
Comments: Doug Morgan: Columbia Union College
Emory Tolbert: Howard University
11:00- 12:00
“The Notion of Time in Adventist History”
Carlos Shwantes: St.Louis University
Comments: Gary Land: Andrews University
Lunch 12:30 – 200
3:00: 5:00
“Growth Rates and Shifting Growth among Seventh-day Adventist, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witness”
Ronald Lawson Queens College CUNY
Sunday April 22, 2007
8:30-9:30 An Open Discussion on Current Research
9:30-11:00 Business Session